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Find Carlsbad RV Park

We are located just south of Hidalgo Road on Highway 62/180 in Carlsbad, New Mexico.

  • Heading into Carlsbad from the south on 62/180, you will see us on the left (west) side of the highway after the Airport and before passing Happy's Restaurant which is on the left of the highway at the intersection of Hidalgo Rd.


  • Driving into Carlsbad from the north on highway 285, stay on the main road heading through Carlsbad, which begins as Pierce Street and curves south at the Food Jet to become Canal Street. Continue south on Canal all the way through town, past the Super-Wal-Mart, and approximately 1.5 more miles . Watch for our sign on the right!


  • If you are coming into Carlsbad from the North on 285 and want to save some time and miss some traffic lights, you need to plan on taking the truck bypass which is Route 524. This is accessed approximately 3 miles prior to Carlsbad city limits (watch for the turn off heading south) and will take you on a more southerly route around the city into Happy Valley. Continue on this road which will become Lea Street and continue east into the south part of downtown Carlsbad. Turn right (south) onto Canal and continue south all the way through town, past the Super-Wal-Mart, and approximately 1.5 more miles . Watch for our sign on the right!


  • Traveling in from the east on Highway 62 from Hobbs, NM, the highway becomes Greene Street coming into town. Go to the 3rd traffic light, which is Canal and turn left (south). Continue south on Canal all the way through town, past the Super-Wal-Mart, and approximately 1.5 more miles . Watch for our sign on the right!


  • If you are coming in on Highway 285 from Pecos, TX, you will need to get in the left hand lane as you approx the junction to 62/180. After stopping, (can be pretty busy, so watch those tanker trucks) proceed with caution to your left onto 62/180. You will see Pizza Inn on your right, continue south approximately 1¼ more miles . Watch for our sign on the right!

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  • From (SW) El Paso TX, 156 mi (about 3 hrs)


  • From (NE) Lubbock TX, 185 mi (about 3.5 hrs)


  • From (East) Dallas, TX460 mi (about 8 hrs)


  • From (North) Albuquerque NM, 280 mi (about 5 hrs)


  • From (NW) Alamogordo NM, 150 mi (about 3 hrs)


  • From (SE) Pecos, TX, 86 mi (1.5 hrs)


  • From (West) Phoenix, AZ590 mi (10 hrs)

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